Domain Name Search
.Com .Net .Org .Biz
.Info .Us .cc .cn
Domain Name Pricing
(without any hosting plan)
 •  .com, .net, .org
$12.99 / yr
•  .info
$12.99 / yr
•  .biz
$12.99 / yr
•  .us
$12.99 / yr
•  .cn
$35.00 / yr
•  .cc
$35.00 / yr
-Prices shown above are applicable for those who wish to register a domain name only (without any Bananic's Hosting Plans).
-Sign up for Bananic's $1 Juicy Hosting Plan now to enjoy a rate of $5.99/year. for your domain name registration/transfer.
-Register/transfer your domain for FREE when you sign up for Bananic's $2/$3 Juicy Hosting Plan.
  Domain Name Rules
.COM, .NET and .ORG Domain Names
  • .COM - to be used for commercial and personal sites
  • .NET - recommended for companies involved in Internet infrastructure
  • .ORG - recommended for not-for-profit organizations
  • Use only letters, numbers, or hyphen ("-")
  • Cannot begin or end with a hyphen
  • Must have less than 63* characters, not including .COM, .NET and .ORG
.US Domain Names
  • .US - to be used by U.S. citizens and residents, U.S. corporations and other U.S. organizations and organizations with a presence within the United States
  • Use only letters, numbers, or hyphen ("-")
  • Domain names cannot begin or end with a hyphen
  • Domain names must be longer than 2 characters and cannot exceed 63 characters (this does not include the extension)
.BIZ Domain Names
  • .BIZ - sites restricted to commercial and bona fide business purposes
  • Use only letters, numbers, or hyphen ("-")
  • Cannot begin or end with a hyphen
  • Cannot have two hyphens in a row
  • Must have at least 3 characters and less than 63 characters, not including .BIZ
.INFO Domain Names
  • .INFO - to be used for both commercial and personal sites
  • Use only letters, numbers, or hyphen ("-")
  • Cannot begin or end with a hyphen
  • Must have at least 3 characters and less than 63 characters, not including .INFO
.CC Domain Names
  • .CC - Cocos (Keeling) Islands, to be used for commercial and personal sites
  • Use only letters, numbers, or hyphen ("-")
  • Cannot begin or end with a hyphen
  • Cannot contain all numbers
  • Must have at least 3 characters, but less than 47, not including .CC
.TV Domain Names
  • .TV - Tuvalu, to be used for commercial and personal sites
  • Use only letters, numbers, or hyphen ("-")
  • Cannot begin or end with a hyphen
  • Must have less than 63 characters, not including .TV