Support Documents
* Bananic's Email Accounts Manager is included with all web hosting accounts
  • Email Accounts

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    The Email Account Manager is where you manage email users for your domain name. The system is form-based with comprehensive cell arrangement.

    To add a user
    , fill in the new user's email name and password then click "Save Changes".
    Each user added here will have its own pop3 email and webmail account.
    Email address will be in the form of ""

    To change a user's password, simply type in the new password and click "Save Changes".

    To change a user's email address, you will need to delete the email user and re-add it again.

    To delete an email user, check the checkbox beside the email address to be deleted and click "Delete Selected Users".

    To add an auto reply, check the auto reply checkbox corresponding to the email in which you want to submit an automatic reply upon receiving any mail. Proceed to the "Email Auto-Responder" link to choose your reply message or define your own message.

    Note: If you intend to create an email alias or an email forwarding address, please do not add that email here. Add it in the Email Aliases Section.

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