Support Documents
* FTP access is included with all web hosting accounts
  • What is FTP?
  • How FTP works
  • How do I use FTP?
  • Where do I get an FTP program?
  • Where do I put my web page files/images?
  • I uploaded my files but I get an error in my browser saying the page either can't be displayed, can't be found or no permission.
  • I uploaded my files but I am still seeing the default Welcome Page.
  • I can't login to my server.

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  • What is FTP?
    FTP stands for "File Transfer Protocol". FTP allows you to upload files located on your computer hard drive to your new web server. You have unlimited access via FTP 24 hours a day. As such, you can create and maintain your web pages on your own computer and upload files to your web site anytime of the day. There are dozens of free FTP programs available on the Internet and you are free to use whichever you choose. If you are a PC user, we have provided instructions below for using one program in particular; "CuteFTP". We recommend a program called "Fetch" for Mac users.

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  • How FTP works
    As soon as you signup with Bananic, you will receive a login username and password for your account.  When you login to your ftp account (ftp.<>), the session begins in your website directory at "/" which is accessible via the URL http://<>/ and http://www.<>/

    All of the files associated with your website needs to be placed in the "web" folder in your account.  Please DO NOT delete any directories in your account that you did not create.  This includes the folder: cgi-bin.

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  • How do I use FTP ?
    When you have your FTP client logged into the server, you should upload all your web page files/images into the "/" folder. This folder should contain files that you wish to publish online on your site.

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  • Where do I get an FTP program ?
    If you are using a Windows based PC, you can download CuteFTP for windows from 

    If you are using a Mac, you can download Fetch from

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  • Where do I put my web page files/images ?
    Once you have your FTP client logged into the server, you should upload all your web page files/images into the "/" folder. This folder should contain files that you wish to publish online on your site.

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  • I uploaded my files but I get an error message saying the page either can't be displayed, can't be found or no permission.
    Ensure that you have uploaded
    your files into the correct folder (Please also check that all your filenames and links are lowercase. The server's file system is case-sensitive; a big "A" is different from a small "a"). The name of the main page for your website must be one of the following or you will get a forbidden error:
    index.cgi index.php index.shtml index.html index.htm default.html default.htm

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  • I uploaded my files but I am still seeing the default Welcome Page.
    You must replace the index.html file in your account in order to make your main page the default page. To fix this problem, simply rename your main page to index.html or delete the existing index.html file.

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  • I can't login to my server.
    First, if you have just registered a domain name or have an existing domain name, check to make sure your domain name has been transferred to our servers before you can login using your domain name. If your domain name has not been fully transferred or registered you will not be able to FTP using your domain name. Instead, you will need to use the server name we have provided (please refer to your account information that was emailed to you). If your domain has been transferred, it is possible that you are entering the wrong username or password. Lastly, it could be a network connection problem. Please inform us if you think this is the case, and we will investigate the matter.

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    If you are using FrontPage Extensions to publish your site, do not use FTP as your frontpage extensions may be corrupted.
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